Have you noticed how difficult it is to sit and wait…..

Photo by Iva Muu0161kiu0107 on Pexels.com

Your mind wanders down different paths some logical and some not. We spend our lives waiting.

Results vary. Good news. Bad news. Uncertainty. No real pattern, just disparate pairings of events in time.

My friend has surgery today. I have been in her shoes and I know that the longer you wait, the more your mind turns to the uncertainty of the outcome and the anxiety begins.

She is a wife, mother and grandmother. She is kind, loving, humorous and strong. She is not a stranger to waiting and uncertainty, but this time she waits for results of her surgery. My friend has faith in God and her journey. The outcome rests in the hands of God. The path determined and in our humanity we can do little to predict or change the outcome.

With faith and prayer comes hope and courage. A woman of strength and faith has had moments of uncertainty as have all those who love her. We sit in solidarity and pray.

So we pray for healing grace, a positive outcome, and an uneventful recovery. We fan the flame of hope we carry in our hearts and trust that she is in the hands of God and that he is guiding the hands of the surgical team and those who will care for her post operatively.

You have got this my friend. You are not alone. You cannot see us, but I hope you can feel the power of prayer that friends and family are lifting up on your behalf.

We deal with certainty better. We make plans and implement them; uncertainty throws a monkey wrench into the equation. Believe. Trust. Hope. Your record of getting through tough situations is 100 percent. You have this.

Hugs. Love. Prayers and grace headed your way.

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