A small blonde dynamo blew in from Kansas City this weekend….

Her name is Graecyn and she is six. Her facial expressions are a hoot. Whatever she is feeling is plainly written on her face. Her disapproval glance is top notch. I believe it could stop a grown man in his tracks. Happiness radiates off of her like sunbeams and brighten wherever she is.

She will be in first grade which “makes me a big girl” she says loudly and with enthusiasm. The neighbor kids and her ran, played games and did art projects before she left. Worms were given for fishing off the dock. Often heard when a portions of worm was passed “ooooh he’s pooping.”

Pepaw, daddy and Grae went to Chamberlain to go fishing. Successful day was had by all. They caught walleye, perch, bass and catfish. The guide said she was the most patient six year old he had ever had fishing. That brought a smile to my face. Of all the adjectives I might use to describe this little water sprite, patient would be nowhere in the top ten. Course I think she takes after her Oma in that department.

Off to lunch and shopping since the art project trip was a no go. Basically shopping consists of her wanting everything in the store and patient explanations of why that isn’t possible. Her facial expression says it all, but it doesn’t work as well as it used to.

We bought a dress for dinner tonight. She though it needed something so I fashioned a fabric tie in a matching tone to the dress. She oohed and ahed and then took if off and pronounced it fine without it. Now she is wanting an opinion on what shoes to where and that is not a winning proposition for me because she will do whatever her fashionista mind tells her to do.

She queried if I was wearing pants under my dress. Excuse me! I said I am wearing underwear as I hid a smile and laughter behind my hand. Well I usually wear pants with dresses. So we conducted a poll. All 3 of us were wearing underwear and none of us were wearing underwear and pants. I feel there will be more discussion before we leave.

It reminds me of the girl next door who was looking for her “exorcist” pants and I thought that was about right as Ms. L has a mind of her own and a ton of energy. I think these two could stage a fashionista pageant and then argue about who won.

Now she is worrying about what if the restaurant doesn’t have a kids meal and if they do not, might we go somewhere else. No. It’s Italian and she has a signature way of eating spaghetti that she learned on you tube, I am certain she will be fine.

Off to another adventure with Miss G. Wish us Bon Appetite and good luck. Dinner tonight will be found in another chapter yet to be written. To all of the budding food critics out there, buckle up. She isn’t shy about sharing her opinion. Bon Appetite to all and to all a good night.

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